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SVX180T - Jupiter

SVX180T - Jupiter

Posted by Barry Flansburg on 14th Nov 2023

Barry Flansburg took this brilliant timelapse of Jupiter in Aeries with his SVX180T. One of Jupiter's Galilean moons can be seen passing in front of the gas giant, casting its dark shadow below. With a mass greater than two and a half times that of all the other planets in our solar system combined, Jupiter is the third brightest natural object in the Earth's night sky, aside from the moon and Venus.

According to Barry, "The video shows that the SVX180T is a competent planetary imaging scope despite its modest aperture. It has the advantage of not requiring re-collimation like reflector telescopes and it is less sensitive to seeing because of its smaller aperture. Jupiter just reached opposition on November 2nd. Here is a description of how the video was made":

"This is a time lapse video of the planet Jupiter with its moon Io and shadow plus the Great Red Spot taken on November 12, 2023, between 04:55 and 08:45 UT (3 hours 50 minutes). It was taken through a Stellarvue SVX180T telescope with 3X Barlow and a ZWO ASI678MC camera. 195 videos of 60 seconds each were captured with FireCapture using a gain of 250 and an exposure of 12 milliseconds. AutoStakkert was used to stack the best 80% of the frames of each video and WaveSharp was used for color balance and to apply wavelets for sharpening. Topaz Denoise was used for additional sharpening and noise reduction. Finally, WaveSharp was used to produce the animated GIF video file. Io has an apparent angular diameter of about 1.2 arc seconds and numerous sub-arcsecond features are visible in Jupiter’s clouds. Taken from my backyard in the New Mexico Astronomy Village near Deming, New Mexico."