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Stellar Shot of the Week

Brian Meyers captured this extraordinary shot of the Pillars of Creation in Serpens with his SVX152T.


This interstellar gas rests roughly 7,000 light-years away from Earth and has a diameter of about 5 light-years. The pillars are made up of cool molecular hydrogen and dust that are being eroded by photoevaporation from the ultraviolet light of relatively close and hot stars. Shadows of evaporating gaseous globules, that shield the gas behind the pillars from intense UV flux, form new stars and then evaporate.

According to Brian: This came out better than I hoped.  Especially for how cropped in it is.  Processed the SHO to pay homage to the 2014 Hubble Shot.

*For more details and an in-depth look at this image, visit Brian’s AstroBin


·         SHO – 1h20’ each

·         Scope – Stellarvue SVX152T

·         Imaging Cam - ZWO 2600MM Pro

·         Filters – Chroma SHO 3nm | Antlia LRGB

·         Mount – Sky Watcher CQ350


Wikipedia contributors. (2024, June 29). Pillars of creation. Wikipedia.

The Pillars of Creation - NASA. (n.d.). NASA.

Salvatore Iovene - (n.d.). Pillars of creation. AstroBin.


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        "I grant Stellarvue Inc. permission to use the attached image(s) online".

It is always appreciated by our viewers if you include an image of your telescope/camera set up, and include details such as field flattener, mount, camera, acquisition data, exposures, filters and what you used to process the image. Clear skies!