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Stellarvue Users Forum


NEW! The Stellarvue Users Forum is being started as a safe place to ask questions about your telescope and get replies from actual users. This forum will serve our community by allowing Stellarvue owners to share their experiences and make friends with others who share a passion for astronomy and high-end refractors. Be sure to check out our forums, articles and groups to stay up to date on everything Stellarvue and gain access to exclusive content.

To get started with the Stellarvue User Forum, follow the steps listed below.

Quick Start Instructions:

1. Click this link: Register - Forums (  

2. Register. Create a username and password, enter your email and complete your bio. This is a good place to include the telescope(s) you own. 

3. If someone tries to register for the forum and their IP address is disallowed, or they are using certain VPNs, they will get an error message that reads "Sorry, registration has been disabled by the administrator." Below is an example of this:


To avoid this error message and complete registration, ensure that your device's IP address is not hidden by your system, browser or anti-virus settings. Similarly, if you are using a VPN and are unable to register or sign into the forum, turn off your VPN while doing so.  vBulletin's Network Operations Center blocks certain VPNs to protect against network attacks and comply with international privacy laws. These rules are put into place to protect user data and deliver you a safe space to engage with community members, within the forum. It should also be noted that ad-blockers, private mode in certain browsers, disabled cookies and proxy-servers, may interfere with the normal operation of vBulletin. Below is a list of browsers that are supported by vBulletin:

  • Google Chrome 
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

While browsers not on this list (including Safari) may work, it is important to know that for optimal performance, vBulletin can be used with one of the ones listed above.

4. Bookmark this link Forums - Forums ( for quick access to the forum.

5. Click on main forum

6. Read: Welcome to the Stellarvue Owners Forum!

7. Enjoy the forum

This is what our home page on the forum looks like:

forum-capture.pngFor support or help setting up your account or participating in this forum, feel free to email us at or give us a call at 530-823-7796.

Using The Forum:

1. Click the bookmark you created: 

2. When logged in, navigate to the upper right corner and click on the dropdown button that reads the username you created. This will give you the option to customize your profile, change your account settings, view recent posts and log out.   

3. While on your profile page, you can post content (on your own page), access subscribed content (from other users), change your status or view statistics in about, or post pictures or videos to your media tab.  

4. To get involved in existing forums, go to Forums and then Main Forum, where you will see content categorized by topic, latest activity, my subscriptions and photos. 

5. To create a new thread, click +New Topic. After that you can title your thread, add text, as well as attachments. To finish your thread, click the Post button to the bottom right of your editing window. In the same location you can also Cancel or Preview your thread.

6. To send and receive direct messages to other users, click the Messages button in the top right and then click Send New Message or Go to Message Center.

7. To view your account notifications, click the Notifications button in the top right of the page and then click Go to Message Center. 

8. Articles and Groups can be viewed through the tabs to the right of Forums. 

9. You can also view New Topics, Who’s Online, Member List and Calendar by clicking these buttons near the top left of the page.

10. Additional information regarding groups can be viewed on the right-hand side labeled Group Categories, My Groups and Latest Group Topics.

Have fun and please share your enthusiasm and knowledge.