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SVX080T - IC4592

Posted by Stellarvue StellarShot on 22nd Jul 2022

Stellar Shot of the Week: May 06, 2022
"The Blue Horsehead Nebula (IC 4592)" - by Brian Valente and Greg Stein

Congratulations to this week's StellarShot selection, which goes to a fantastic image by a fantastic team: Greg Stein and Brian Valente. This intrepid duo has a pair of our scopes at their disposal, but this particular image came from the widefield rig comprised of an SVX080T-3SV and a ZWO ASI6200MC-P. Everything about this image screams perfection, from the wispy details and multi-toned nebulosity, to the perfect star colors and star shapes seen across the field of view. This particular SVX080T is currently living the good life down in the Chilean mountains at Observatorio El Sauce (Obstech). This amazing facility is located at nearly 1600m, and they offer fully-featured telescope hosting for scopes of all sizes. It's really amazing to see how much deeper you can dig into a broadband target like this when the seeing conditions and sky darkness are at their best, but even the world's best data is useless without the right processing. And as we can see here Brian and Greg most certainly did justice to this beautiful data set, processing everything immaculately for just the right color balance, clarity, and noise reduction.

We REALLY recommend you head over to Astrobin and enjoy this image in full resolution, and it can be found on Brian's account under the username "bvalente."

Great work by Brian and Greg, and for anyone else shooting with a Stellarvue we invite you to please submit your shots by email (using or by tagging them with #stellarvue and #stellarshot.

Images Details:

  • Imaging Telescope: Stellarvue SVX80T
  • Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI6200MC Pro
  • Mount: Astro-Physics AP1600 GTO with Absolute Encoders AP1600
  • Software: PixInsight 1.8.8-9 Pixinsight Photoshop CC PS